I know it's been a long time. I'm sorry....I've been busy. Travelling to and from Wisconsin, cleaning and cooking for Thanksgiving dinner, hosting Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas and birthday shopping, and two physical therapy sessions a week makes for a very busy me!
I made two new things for Thanksgiving this year....pumpkin pie with gingersnap crust and honey maple roasted carrots. Let me tell you...those two things were AMAZING! I'd make a few changes for next year, though. The gingersnap crust called for additional ground ginger...to me, the crust was a little strong in flavor, so I'd probably leave out the additional ginger. And the carrots...I think I'll add a little more coriander...I couldn't really taste it.
As we're heading into the Christmas season (seriously, it's in three weeks, folks!!), it's got me thinking about "feeling blessed." That saying means something to everyone. To me, it's nothing religious...religion doesn't have a thing to do with the things I have that I'm thankful for, in my opinion. Sometimes a blessing can be acquiring the essentials to life.....a shelter, warm food, clean water to drink, and good health. Sometimes it can be rooted in such things as family (pets included) and friends and the ability to spend time with those people. And, of course, blessings can be objects, such as a new car, clothes, or jewelry.
What are you blessed with? Take some time this Christmas season to think about the things you have in your life that, when broken down to the very core of it, are truly blessings. Also try to think of others who have so much less than you do...consider donating some items, money, or your time to help those less fortunate.

I'm blessed with a beautiful daughter
A healthy, loving husband who provides everything he can for us
Three pets that let me hug and snuggle them when I'm feeling down
A wonderful family to cook for and laugh with,
A best friend who's the best best friend anybody could ever have
Flowers in my yard to bring beauty to the world
The most amazing coworkers I couldn't do my job without
And a brand new career opportunity to grow in!
A healthy, loving husband who provides everything he can for us
Three pets that let me hug and snuggle them when I'm feeling down
A wonderful family to cook for and laugh with,
A best friend who's the best best friend anybody could ever have
Flowers in my yard to bring beauty to the world
The most amazing coworkers I couldn't do my job without
And a brand new career opportunity to grow in!