BUT FIRST....an update :)
Dave appears to be feeling pretty well. He's been eating a lot of soup and turkey sandwiches. Tonight for dinner he had two little Red Baron cheese pizzas. I don't think he's drinking enough fluids....but it's not really for me to judge. We went to the VA today so he could get his shot of Neulasta. He has labs scheduled in a couple weeks, a CT scan on the 12th, and a doctor appointment on the 30th. We're hoping for good news!
Another side note....that sick little baby I mentioned recently isn't doing so well. Please continue to pray for her!
OK...onto the goods!

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Look at this cute little sloth! How cute is he?!

Skinny Eggnog Pie w/ Gingersnap Crust (recipe >> here)
I was thinking of making this as a "healthier" dessert option...but apparently not everybody likes eggnog. Some people have never even tasted eggnog! That baffles me! My favorite part about winter is the eggnog :) I might still make it anyway...we'll see. It's a no-back dessert, so it won't take too much time or too much effort. Lord knows that's right up my alley!

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I find this to be beautiful! Find what you're great at and then share it with the world! Don't be selfish and keep it all for yourself... Imagine how dull the world would be if everyone saved their greatness and didn't spread it around for all to see? Pretty boring to me!

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Look at this little piglet. He's in a hammock!

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This little guy needs to comment!

Right?!!! The best desserts of the year are at Christmas time!

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Look at this place. Supposedly it's Nubble Lighthouse in York Beach, Maine. I've always wanted to go to Maine...now I have something specific to see!

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This is 100% true! You can have the most beautiful face, best body, most money in the entire world. But if you're not beautiful deep down where it counts, you're just as ugly as a big ol' turd lying in the yard, collecting flies. Be a good person. All the time. No excuses.

Eggnog Sugar Cookies (recipe >> here)
Seriously, I love eggnog. Did I mention that yet? Anyway...look at these little beauties?! Don't they look scrumptious? MMM I want to make these real bad!

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With the new year fast approaching, a lot of people are thinking of a New Year's resolution they will most likely abandon by February (March if they're lucky). Will it be to lose weight? To exercise more? To be nicer? To go to church more often? How about pick one of the above...or all of them for that matter. A little more generalized than typical...but they're also smaller tasks. Try a new food. Take a risk. These things are all pretty easy. Give it a try! I'll do it, too! Come on...it'll be fun!
I'm taking next week off from the blog. Next week is family time...not computer time!
Merry Christmas, y'all! Happy Hanukkah!
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