
Fab Friday FUNNY Five

I'm not gonna lie...I was laying in bed last night looking at Pinterest and Dave asked what I was doing..."Looking at Pinterest because I have no idea what to use as a theme for tomorrow's FFF post."

So there you have it: today's post was spur of the moment and not premeditated at all 
(shut up, I don't care that you think I'm lazy).

First, an itty bitty update on Dave:  He mentioned the other day that it was almost time for a haircut.  And FYI, it's been 14 weeks since the end of his last chemo treatment and his skin still smells like nasty nasty chemo.  According to a cancer caregiver support group I belong to on Facebook, his skin might smell like chemo for another 3 months.  Gross.

So today's FFF is five of the things that I've pinned to my "Just Awesome" board on Pinterest that made me laugh today (well I thought they were funny anyway) .  Enjoy :) 

>> SPOILER ALERT:  It's actually more than five...I couldn't pick just five! <<

((I apologize in advance if anybody get's offended by the language...there's something for you at the end))

Hungry hungry hippo! HAHA!

Whoever invented marriage was creepy as hell. Like, hey you, I love you so much, I'm gonna get the government involved so you can't leave.


Can you handle the hotness?


I never thought about this... LMAO!


And if you got offended...this one is just for you!  I won't censor myself to please others.
Fact. ;)

 I hope you smiled at least once!

Have a great weekend, folks! 
Maybe it'll rain so much that all the pine pollen will be magically washed away and won't get all up in my sinuses!

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