Man this week has been rough! I've been nursing some horrible sinus congestion thing since the middle of last week. I've been feeling very unmotivated lately and all I want to do is lay in bed and read (not very easy when you have a full time job, a full time child, and a husband). I'm feeling very stressed out about the holidays (and I don't usually feel this way this time of year). I'm just ready for a me day! So today that's what I'm doing, I took a PTO day to take care of ME. I'm taking Aria to school, doing my Thanksgiving shopping, then coming back home to clean and start prepping my side dishes for tomorrow. Here's some of what has kept me going this week:
Cranberry Bliss Bar copy-cat recipe >> here
Lets all take a moment to pause and rejoice in the fact that with this season comes my absolute favorite treat at Starbucks...Cranberry Bliss Bars! They're SO good y'all! It's like blondie brownie on the bottom with white chocolate and orange zest frosting and, of course, sweet yet tart cranberries. MMM! Every time I go to Starbucks throughout the year, I think to myself "I could really use a cranberry bliss bar right about now!" Well my dears, I found a copy-cat recipe that I definitely plan on trying. I don't know when...but they're happening at some point, for sure!

(recipe >> here)
Holy crap, look at these carrots!! If I had all the time in the world and was cooking EVERYTHING for Thanksgiving, this would be the carrot dish! They're beautiful...with the thyme, and the sesame seeds, and the honey maple...and the pomegranate! Oh geez...I've got to make these!

This is perfectly legit excuse to carry a weapon on your person at all times. All those times I ask Dave why he feels the need to carry EVERYWHERE he goes...if he told me "So I could kill all those horrible nasty spiders for you, my love" I'd totally be OK with it. I effing hate spiders. All their damn little legs crawling all over the place...blech!

Oh man....this blog entry (>> here ) It's about pooping during child birth, and it's hilarious!

This is the life right hmmm...
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